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BOSS IT DEV DIARY 00012 -.666 TimeScale Overide | Custom Class | Female Voice | LAG Issues | WebGibs

Todays Video, is a combination of several hours time lapsed.
– Did a Custom Class for managing Dialogue Objects to work with the existing Dialogue Manager.
– Found out I’ve been Developing with a manual Timescale over-ride of .666 for several days – Not a Freemason lol
– Have a Female Voice now in the Dialogue, seeking to improve our recording.
– Game had Lag issues, I believe its due to the GeForce GTX1650 Downgrade (Radeon 9850XT on RMA)
– Some trickery using Hierarchy and Disabling Scripts and Gameobjects within Hierarchy.
There are some missing parts. I originally recorded Audio, but the video was over 1 hour long and mostly just telling some harsh truths certain to be censored and I didn’t want to spend all my time ce*soring myself to conform.

I’ve Timelapsed and muted most of the video, also sound issues, I am working on getting a proper mic. MY PC is struggling with this GTX1650 Downgrade while my Radeon 9850XT gets replaced or repaired.

Looking into a:- “Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 4th Gen USB Interface with Software Suite, Bundle with AT2020 Microphone, TAPH100 Headphones and Mic Stand Recording”


Please Note, not all Work was recorded

So much stuff was done. I spent way too much time on videos
What do you guys wana see?
Thanks for the support. Means heaps 🙂

BOSS IT DEV DIARY 00010 – LAYER ISSUES | FLY Fly in from behind Camera | 3D Sound | Fixed some UI

Please Note, not all Work was recorded

Setting different Pitch Variables as Public for more fly customization
Fixed Overlapping fly onclick issue*
Fixed Stamina not working*
Cleaned up some messy scripts
Re-did the Pause Menu so elements aren’t in players way
Added an Onclick Tally for later Accuracy calculations with Score
AudioListener moved to spider and setup to 3D fly sound effects – cool
Flys now Fly into the Scene from behind camera
Fixed some UI issues and bugs

//TODO: * potentially issue in FlyPool with Onclicking for already used pooled Flys, I cant remember if I’m even using one, might need to if I’m not. Stamina issue is a strange one, I need to reference it in script as SpiderStamina.GetComponent(Whatever)() Requires further investigation
Pause Menu still has issues
Use Flystate to represent a intro or not playgame fly and when Entering gamefield eg // FlyState.Entr

We worked on a Design of a Boss Style Catepillar Enemy Stay Tuned
Created a Dialogue and Story Line and Voice Acting with a Friend.

Started work on a Prologue / Tutorial Scene
Anything you want to see? Ideas? Let me know. Want to Contribute?

BOSS IT DEV DIARY 00009 – TMPPRO | UI | ANIMATIONS SCORING | Not using UI Tools in this project.

Spent most of the day Animating Scores, making it work with the UI and Layers. I did install UI Tools way back during remaking Webster, but my game code relies heavily on layers and already working with Unity UI elements as is, so i decided not to use UI Tools at this stage.

The Leaching mechanic for Stamina was fixed and visually represented. Fly Freak Mode also more obvious and score doubles. UI and elements and game objects are all all layered correctly.

I didn’t record all my work today. Half my work was cut from the video due to time contraints and i was just on a mission to get it done.

//TODO: Feed Small Stamina to player on Fly Traped also, so player has no excuse not to have stamina.
//TODO: Repeat this process for Health possibly unify Script for UI handling

I’ve put a lot of time and effort into making videos. If you’re enjoying what you see, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support makes a huge difference and gives me the motivation to keep creating. With more subscribers, I can dedicate even more time and energy to bring you the best content possible!

BOSS IT DEV DIARY 00008 – How I made music for my Game in FLSTUDIO & import to Unity – Workflow Hack

My process for making not fantastic music in less than 1hr

I’ve put a lot of time and effort into making videos. If you’re enjoying what you see, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support makes a huge difference and gives me the motivation to keep creating. With more subscribers, I can dedicate even more time and energy to bring you the best content possible!

BOSS IT DEV DIARY 00007 – How I Create 2D Enemies using AI and Gimp with Unity3D – Workflow Hack

My process for making 2D Characters that requires NO Art skills.

I’ve put a lot of time and effort into making videos. If you’re enjoying what you see, please consider liking and subscribing. Your support makes a huge difference and gives me the motivation to keep creating. With more subscribers, I can dedicate even more time and energy to bring you the best content possible!

BOSS IT DEV DIARY 00006 – GUI/Ambient Audio | FLStudio | StaminaBar | GetComponents | Commit to Git

I Let Youtube remove music and it made a mess of the audio.
Worked on AudioManager for GUI and Created Ambience Mixer
Created Score Points Tone in FLStudio
Got Stamina Bar working, Feeds player when Fly killed and drains when player runs
Troubleshooted UI issues for Points and Scoring, trying to find where audioclip is being played from. was on the Fly. (Not ideal)
Fix GetComponents on legs getting more than leg animators
Adjusted Fangs animations
Commit to GitHub
Created a Build that works well.

BOSSIT DEV DIARY 00005 -Scriptable Objects? Lightening+Thunder – Timelapse Development of Webster

“Webster’s Development Journey: From GoDot Back to Unity”

BOSSIT DEV DIARY 00004 – Adding Health Bar – Making Mistakes – Timelapse Development of Webster

Dev Diary 00003 – From GoDot Back to Unity

“Webster’s Development Journey: From GoDot Back to Unity”

After two years of trying to move Webster to GoDot, we decided to return to Unity, sticking with what we know best. This decision has been a major turning point for the project. With the introduction of AI tools, our development has accelerated like never before. Our creative and programming potential has reached new heights, and every day brings exciting new challenges. Plus, we’re composing all our own music and sound where possible, further personalizing the experience.

We’ve completely remade Webster, and in this video, you’ll see the stark difference: before AI, with just 0.5 years of experience, versus after AI, with two solid years of growth and learning. The improvements are incredible.

The goal is to publish Webster, and whether it succeeds or not isn’t the point—this journey has been all about persistence and passion. Success doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s that drive that keeps us moving forward.

This video shows a glimpse of Webster before (Unity 2022 and prior) and after (2024+), showcasing just how far we’ve come.